Who we are
Our history
Svensk Lånetolk AB was founded in 2020 with the ambition to help ordinary people buy homes. The limited company's main activity is the brokerage of mortgages, private loans and business loans. Banks & lenders have their own risk models and make different assessments of you as a customer. Svensk Lånetolk AB helps its customers with loan applications via the partners and lenders that Svensk Lånetolk has a collaboration with. Svensk Lånetolk AB Interpreter acts as contact persons for customers and helps them all the way through the loan process. This can range from general advice to making applications in the correct way as well as interpretation help. The company also works actively to help people with personal finances and business finances.
We believe in getting to know our customers in order to cater to each individual customer in the best possible way. We have our customers' interests in focus and provide interpretation on which solution is best applied for each individual customer. We work in a close relationship between buyer and seller. So feel free to book a free consultation with us and we can explain in more detail how we work and then we can hear more about what your needs are and how we can help you.