Ditt meddelande har skickats!
Ditt e-postmeddelande har skickats till mottagaren.
If you found a home - Ad link to the home
The price of the home
Cash stake
Number of rooms
Living area (m²)
Social security number
Marital status
First name
Postal code & address
Are you in a politically vulnerable position?
Do you have a co-applicant?
Social security number (co-applicant)
Marital status (co-applicant)
First name (co-applicant)
Surname (co-applicant)
E-mail (co-applicant)
Street (co-applicant - Current residence)
Postal code & address (co-applicant - Current residence)
Your income
Form of employment
Co-applicant's income
The co-applicant's form of employment
Your loans and credits
Do you have any private loans or other credits? (not mortgage)
Do you have any children?
If Yes - How many children are under the age of 18?
Current residence
Should this accommodation be retained?
Upload documents
Other information
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